Lo que aprendo (The Things I Learn): Set 1

Lo que aprendo (The Things I Learn)

Every day is filled with new things to learn! Young children have many teachers in life—not just those they have in school but also their parents, grandparents, siblings, and even their friends. Readers follow along as relatable characters learn different things from the people around them. Early learners will enjoy exploring the accessible text on their own, but these stories can also be read aloud to develop a love of reading in younger children. Colorful illustrations depict these fun adventures in learning from the kitchen with dad to the park with friends.
• Each volume encourages a love of learning in young readers by emphasizing the fun things children learn from those around them
• Familiar situations allow readers to relate to each story
• Close picture-text correlation helps develop reading comprehension skills while keeping readers entertained through engaging illustrations

Product type: Classroom Collection
ISBN: 978-1-4994-2476-8
Copyright: 2017
Reading Level: Grade 1
Interest Level: Grades Pre-K-2
Dimensions: 8" x 8"